Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pro-Active or Paranoia?

I don't know about you, but I believe that nothing bad is ever going to happen to me. I don't think that I'm a target to be mugged or robbed or worse. You probably don't either. So why do I have an alarm system in my home? In case I'm WRONG. The inevitable WHAT IF?? that creeps in to all of our minds on occasion.

My partner came home one afternoon to discover that his 13 year old daughter had been home alone with the front door unlocked and the alarm off. Of course, he was shocked! He is in the alarm business, after all. When he asked her what was she thinking? her reply short-circuited him.

She said, “I’m not like you… I don’t think anyone is out to get me.” Don’t you just love the logic of teenagers? So he proceeded (calmly?) to explain to her the realities of crime in our area and the ramifications of being home alone and unable to protect herself. There may have been a few horror stories thrown in for emphasis. And after their “discussion” she never leaves the door unlocked or the alarm off.

Want to know what he told her?

Being prepared is our duty and protecting ourselves is our responsibility. Having an alarm system in your home is like buying auto insurance and arming the alarm system is exactly like wearing a seat belt. You don’t leave the house expecting to get into an accident, but just in case….

Is that paranoia? Some would argue that it’s the law. Either way, you, the government, your family and GEICO are all very happy that you are wearing your seat belt.

Having an alarm system is no different. Knowing that your alarm is protecting you, your family, and your possessions, gives you the same peace of mind.

And by the way… your homeowner’s insurance company likes that you have an alarm system, too. (Like, they will actually give you some money for being pro-active!)

So, my alarm is on 24/7, when I’m home and when I’m not. Just in case….

Did you hear that?

Until next time, be safe!

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